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Archives for November 2010

Becoming Who You Already Are

By Steve D'Annunzio When the French philosoper Rene Descartes coined the phrase “cogito ergo sum”—“I think, therefore I am”—in 1637, he struck a blow to the evolution of spiritual man. The truth of the matter is precisely opposite; the fundamental statement should read, “I am, therefore I think.” Descartes reversed being with a function … [Read more...]

Concise Keys to Living a Prosperous Life

By Garrett Gunderson Our ideal world will never be realized as long as we are in financial bondage, both because of our personal choices and because of social myths concerning finances. The way out of financial bondage is easier and closer to home than it may seem at times. The power to kill the sacred cows of social myths is within us, … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: I Am the Great Sun by Charles Causley

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. I Am the Great Sun Charles Causley I am the great sun, but you do not see me, I am your husband, but you turn away. I am the captive, but you do not free me, I am the captain but you will not obey. I am the truth, but you will not believe me, … [Read more...]

Breaking Free of the Two-Party System, Part 2: Solutions

By Kyle Roberts This is part two of a two-part series. Read Part 1 here. There are two fundamental reasons why this system has so much power: The parties are intimately connected with government operation of elections—from filling vacancies, to making appointments, to placing candidates on the ballot, and controlling the choices … [Read more...]

Breaking Free From the Two-Party System, Part 1: The Extent of the Damage

By Kyle Roberts To preserve our freedom, the U.S. legal code must separate political parties from government, and citizens must learn to consider more than the Democratic and Republican parties. Republics throughout history have always been dominated by self-serving parties whose goals are adverse to the rights and combined interests of the … [Read more...]

America’s New Grand Strategy, Part 2: New Thinking

By Oliver DeMille This is Part 2 of a 2-part series. Read Part One Here. Problems with Grand “Tactics” Generals lose when they fail to learn the lessons of past wars; generals also lose when they attempt to fight new wars with old strategies. This adage applies even more to statesmen. To put this in context, each time a new grand … [Read more...]

America’s New Grand Strategy, Part 1: Internationalism and Beyond

By Oliver DeMille The United States is currently experiencing a Grand Strategy Crisis — and the most powerful nation in the world since the Roman Empire better get it right. Such a crisis typically comes along once a generation, when the nation drops its old grand strategy and selects a new one. Unfortunately, this significant change, … [Read more...]

Something New in the Middle East?

By Oliver DeMille For decades the Middle East has posed many challenges to American presidents. It seems every U.S. president wants to make history by helping negotiate a lasting peace in this difficult region. Few people feel a lot of optimism about this, however. Palestinians argue that they are a people under siege, a nation under … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Everything Changes by Bertolt Brecht

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Everything Changes Bertolt Brecht Everything changes. You can make A fresh start with your final breath. But what has happened has happened. And the water You once poured into the wine cannot be Drained off again. What has happened has happened. The water You once poured into the wine cannot … [Read more...]

The Tough Get Going

By Orrin Woodward My favorite quote, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” As a fourth grader, I had a teacher that became my first mentor. Franz Luoma taught me that I was responsible for developing the talent inside of me. He saw a young kid with too much energy and channeled that energy into productive uses. Mr. Luoma … [Read more...]